South Arabia

In a News Slip, Al-Hadath Broadcasts an Illusionary Report Containing False Numbers about the Northern Residents in the South.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]A[/su_dropcap]l-Hadath TV channel is suffering a new scandal for publishing false news about the south after being penetrated by Muslim Brotherhood journalism that made Al-Hadath and Al-Jazeera on the same path.
Al-Hadath broadcasted an illusionary report by one of Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood members in Aden under the title of “Harassments for Northern Citizens in Southern Governorates”.
Al-Hadath claimed that the report was issued by “Aden For Rights and Freedoms”, that never existed or even registered according to governmental sources.
The channel is rising a massive wave of anger through broadcasting misleading and false news about the southern people. The last of such scandals was the broadcast of video the channel claimed it showed violations of southern citizens against northern residents but it turned to be showing violations of Central Security Forces against southern demonstrators during the regimen of Ali Abdullah Saleh.

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