South Arabia

In a Plea to UNESCO, Southern Protesters Demand Immediate Stopping of Obliterating Southern Monuments and Protecting Historic Sites in Aden

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]
[su_dropcap]S[/su_dropcap]outhern activists protested in Aden in front of “Tourists Platform”, a famous monument in Al-Tawahi, against tries to obliterate the southern identity. Protesters are against redesigning several monuments destroyed during 2015 war in a manner against its authentic identity. They carried banners holding slogans like “Our Monuments and History are Being Obliterated”, “Our Resources Are Being Robbed” and “UNESCO… Save Our Monuments from Authorities Disruption and Violation of Laws Protecting Monuments”.
Protesters expressed their denouncement of destroying and obliterating southern historic and religious monuments in Aden in addition to maiming the southern identity. They asserted that they will face the acts they described as “farce” as they are totally rejecting the change of southern identity through the so-called restoration works in these muniments.
It is noteworthy that the so-called legitimacy government contracted Hael Said Anaam’s construction company to rebuild one of the major monuments of Aden “Gate of Tourists Port Platform” in Al-Tawahi. The gate was destroyed during 2015 war. In addition, during the regimen of Ali Saleh, the ousted president, another operation led to changing historic characteristics of Aban Mosque in Aden as part of a project to obliterate the southern identity in the southern capital.

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