South Arabia

In a Special Release to SMA News, Chairman of MADAR Center: This is What is Going to Happen if the War Ends while the Negative and Mysterious Attitude of Arab Coalition Countries Towards the Southern Cause Remains

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Dr. Fadl Al-Rubaiey, chairman of MADAR Center for Strategic Studies indicated that if international pressure over the Arab Coalition remained at the direction of limiting the coalition’s role in war to reach political settlement, this means that coup forces will acquire a legitimate position in this war a far greater size in political participation in the future without any balances through empowering southern powers and its political representative, the southern transitional council, to control the liberated territories. In his special release to SMA News, Dr. Al- Rubaiey said: If this happens, the situation may take the following directions:
1. Coup forces will become legitimate and their political role will be strengthened and supported.
2. Liberated areas, especially in the west coast, will be vulnerable to reoccupation.
3. The Reform Party will be allied with coup forces and will use their troops in Hadhramaut Valley, Mareb and Taiz to control the whole Yemen again.
4. The Arab Coalition will lose the southern powers as true allies who sacrificed thousands of martyrs while the coalition is abandoning them and denying them their right to control the liberated areas.
5. Yemen will become the springboard of the Iranian project against her brothers in the Gulf and Arab Peninsula. This means that Iran will be capable of reaching the strategic depth of the Gulf.

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