South Arabia

In continuation of its violations – Brotherhood’s militia attacks southern forces’ locations on Abyan fronts

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Abyan / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer]


The terrorist Brotherhood’s militia affiliated with the Yemeni government broke the armistice announced by Saudi, in light of its failure to adhere to the agreement, despite the arrival of the Saudi Monitoring Committee to the lines of contact between its sites and the southern armed forces.


Field source affirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood militias attacked the southern forces ’sites in Al- Tariyah on Thursday afternoon, in which they were broken and dozens of their members were killed, and they resumed the attack from another direction on the road in an attempt to advance towards the southern sites, but it was once again broken.


The source continued: The southern forces broke all the attempts of the militias in Al-Tariyah and the rest of the locations along Abyan fronts, amid great resilience and perseverance of the members and units of the southern forces.


The source pointed out: We are committed to the truce announced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reached between the Transitional Council and the government to open a way towards consensus and dialogue, last Monday, but the Brotherhood’s militia continues to provoke us since the first hour of the announcement of this truce.


He added, “Our forces have given the enemy harsh lessons in battles, and in every attack they break and escape, leaving their dead and wounded in deserts and sand.”


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