In its periodic meeting Attended by Mr. Al-Thaqali..Assembly’s Administrative Body Gets Briefed on the Situation in Socotra

The Administrative Body in the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) resumed its periodic meeting on Sunday, chaired by Mr. Lotfi Shatara, member of the STC’s Presidium and deputy chairman of the Assembly, in the presence of Mr. Ra’afat Al-Thaqali who delivered a satisfied explanation on the conditions of the Socotra Governorate and gave an overall picture of the current developments in the governorate and the efforts made by the Arab coalition under the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the fields of health, tourism, and public service, affirming that the archipelago is witnessing qualitative and fundamental change, for the benefit of society and citizens as never before.
Mr. Shatara welcomed Eng. Al-Thaqali, Governor of Socotra Governorate, conveying to him and the accompanying delegation the greetings of Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Chairman of the National Assembly.
In return, Mr. Al-Thaqali expressed thanks to the administrative body for the good reception and interest in the conditions of the Socotra Archipelago, pointing out that this emanated from the great keenness on every span of our cherished South.
While reviewing the conditions of Socotra, Eng. Al-Thaqali asserted that the local authority is doing its best and exerting high efforts to develop the governorate and make it a distinguished model for the South, by virtue of its climatic diversity, biodiversity, and geographical location, adding that the governorate needs special attention and an appropriate operational budget to encounter the difficulties and establish vital projects that serve citizens and improve the work of institutions.
During the meeting, Al-Thaqali emphasized that Socotra is part and parcel of the South, as the South is their passion and identity, and what is being circulated on social media is definitely baseless.
The Administrative Body has dealt with the remaining topics on its agenda regarding the reports on the activities of the Assembly’s committees. In addition to that, it has approved the drafting of the annual report for the past year 2022 and the drawing up of plans for the current year 2023, which will be presented by the heads of the committees.
Furthermore, a report on the bad conditions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was submitted and presented by the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Assembly, headed by Mr. Abdul-Fattah Al-Shaeri, the head of the committee.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ahmed Qassem, Office Head of the Chairman of the National Assembly, Mr. Salem Dahiq Ali, Deputy Head of the Khalifa Humanitarian Foundation, Mr. Khaled Abdul-Rahim Ibrahim, Assistant Director of Socotra Airport, and Mr. Zayn al-Abidin, Representative of Socotra Governorate in the capital, Aden.