South Arabia

In phone call to commander of Southern Giants Forces.. President Al-Zubaidi congratulates our people on the great victories and praises Giants’ heroism and support of Arab coalition


The President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, on Friday evening, made a phone call with the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Giants Forces, Brigadier General Abu Zara’a Al-Muharrami, in which he congratulated him and the people of Shabwa and the South on the great victories that were achieved at the hands of the Giants Forces and the Southern Resistance of the heroes sons of Shabwa, who wrote a legendary epic that marked the features of victory and empowerment and affirmed that the people of the South are as they were and will remain the cornerstone of the resistance against the Houthi militias, and it’s the solid barrier in the face of the militias and their supporters, and the projects hostile to the South and the entire Arab region.

During his call, the President of the Southern Transitional Council stressed that those huge sacrifices made by the forces of the Southern Giants and the Southern Resistance from the sons of Shabwa and the South dictated the facts of history and the reality that the Southerners are like a solid structure that pulls each other together.

President Al-Zubaidi praised the great roles played by the Arab Coalition forces under the leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the active participation of the United Arab Emirates, which affirmed the unity of destiny, challenges and common responsibilities, and proved that everyone is in one barricade to confront and end hostile projects, extending thanks and appreciation to the Arab Coalition countries for their support, attribution, and positions that will be written in the brightest pages of history.

The Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces expressed his pride in the heroic epics of the southern armed forces on the various fronts of confronting the Houthi militias, and at the forefront; the great feats that the forces of the southern Giants have been accomplishing over the past years, having mercy for the martyrs who sacrificed their lives in order to confront those rebellious militias supported by Iran, wishing a speedy recovery to the wounded, stressing that these grave and precious sacrifices will not be in vain, but will make a new dawn for our people and our southern homeland.

For his part, Brigadier General Abu Zara’a confirmed that the Operation Tornado of the South is on its way to liberate the rest of our country that is under the control of the Houthi militias and terrorist organizations, expressing thanks to President Al-Zubaidi for his contact and unlimited support for the forces of the southern Giants.

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