In presence of Al-Jaadi .. Human Rights Department organizes consultative meeting with heads of departments in the Council executive bodies in governorates

The Human Rights Department of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council organized, on Thursday, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat in the capital, Aden, a consultative meeting with the heads of human rights departments in the executive bodies of the local leaderships of the Council in the governorates.
Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, delivered a speech in the meeting in which he said that human rights departments are considered the closest to the reality of citizens, as they are close to all the events facing citizens in the governorates.
The Deputy Secretary-General stressed the importance of raising the level of work of human rights departments in the local leaderships of Transitional Council in the governorates, as well as the need to identify the challenges they face while performing their work and to develop proposals that contribute to addressing the difficulties that stand before them to enhance human rights work .
Lawyer Zikra Maatouk, Head of the Human Rights Department, opened the meeting with a speech in which she welcomed all the heads of human rights departments in the executive bodies of the local leaderships of the Southern Transitional Council in the governorates, appreciating the role played by these departments by monitoring and documenting many violations that occur in their areas. .
Maatouq indicated that the human rights work is an integrated, and that everyone complements each other, explaining that the department will do everything in its power to overcome the difficulties in front of the human rights departments in their governorates, in order to enhance the work of the Transitional Council, and raise the cause of the people of the South to the highest levels.
The heads of the departments made interventions, during which they explained the nature of their work in their governorates, putting forth in the meeting all the challenges they face in implementing their workflow. They also presented a number of proposals that would facilitate human rights work in the governorates of the South.
During the meeting, the Human Rights Department reviewed the work mechanism of a number of its departments, such as “monitoring, documentation, fact-finding, external relations, activities… and others” in order to inform the heads of the department about work that would enhance human rights performance in the governorates.