In presence of Al-Jaadi.. STC local leadership in Mansoura district holds a ceremony to celebrate 60th anniversary of October 14 Revolution

The local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Mansoura District in the capital, Aden, on Sunday, held a speech and artistic ceremony on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the glorious October 14 Revolution, in the presence of Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi, member of the Presidency of STC, Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the STC’s Presidency.
During the celebration, in which Dr. Amani Amber, Director of the Organizational Department of STC Executive Body in Aden , participated, Mr. Wadah Al-Huraibi, Head of STC Executive Body in Mansoura, delivered a speech in which he stressed the importance of celebrating this great occasion that our fathers and grandfathers made against the occupation on the 14th of glorious October that was started from the tops of Radfan Mountains, conveying his congratulations and the members of the STC local leadership in the district to the political leadership represented by President Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi, the President o STC, and to the people of the South and their armed forces in all fields of honor and valor, and to the families of the martyrs and the wounded on this immortal occasion.
The ceremony, which was held at the headquarters of the Association for the Physically Disabled under the supervision of the Department of Women and Children of STC in Mansoura district, witnessed many artistic performances, popular folklore shows, and revolutionary songs to celebrate this great occasion.