South Arabia

In presence of Al-Khubaji and Suhair..STC Training Center Launches “Diplomacy and Professional Negotiation” Training Course

Training and Qualifying Center (TQC) in the Southern Transitional Council (STC), on Sunday, launched a training course , entitled “Diplomacy and the Professional Negotiant” for a number of personnel of the STC’s bodies, in the presence of two members of the Presidium of the STC, Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji, head of the Negotiations Unit, and Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed.

Dr. Al-Khubaji delivered a speech at the opening of the session, in which he reviewed the importance of diplomacy and negotiations in politics and in brining success to the aspired goals, focusing on certain ideas and perceptions about dialogue and negotiations for the cause of the South, and presenting several topics that come under this context.

For her part, Dr. Suhair Ali Ahmed, in her speech, welcomed all the participants in the training course, touching on the important content of the diplomacy and professional negotiant course, urging the participants to enhance their capabilities in this aspect, gain more knowledge, and polish up skills to work on the ground.

On the first day of the training course which is continuing for five consecutive days, and in the presence of Dr. Maher Al-Dala’ous, deputy head of the TQC, the participants received a satisfied explanation from Dr. Mohammed Ben Juma’an on the goals, concepts, and characteristics of negotiations, reviewing the stages, principles and types of negotiations, followed by conducting group work activities.

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