In presence of Al-Naqib.. Transitional Council in Labous organizes awareness seminar to prevent danger of drugs

The Legal Department of the Executive Body of the Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Labous district of Lahj, on Tuesday, organized an awareness seminar to prevent the danger of drugs, under the slogan “For a drug-free society”, in the presence of Sheikh Abdul Al-Rab Al-Naqib, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council.
After the opening of the symposium with any of the Holy Quran, then the southern national anthem, Colonel Abdul Rahman Al-Barei, Director of the Legal Department of the Transitional Council Executive of Labous, delivered a speech in which he welcomed the guests and thanked a group of young people for their support in holding this symposium, and the Preparatory Committee for their efforts in organizing it.
After that, Ahmed Al-Omari presented a speech for Young People of Yafea Group, in which he welcomed the attendees, and expressed his happiness with the community interaction with the symposium, and he also thanked the Preparatory Committee for every effort made for the success of the symposium.
The symposium discussed scientific papers, about “Drugs and the Law”, and “Drugs and Islam” and “The Role of Preventive Education in Reducing the Risk of Drugs.”
The symposium included interventions and discussions from the attendees that enriched the subject, and came out with outputs and recommendations represented in activating the preventive aspect, the control aspect, to prevent and reduce the risk of drugs.
The symposium was attended by the deputy governor of Lahj, Mr. Awad Al-Salahi, and Suad Alawi, head of Aden Center for Awareness of Drugs, and academic figures, education directors, school and secondary directors, military leaders, mosque preachers, and social figures.