In the presence of Al-Jaadi and Al-Kathiri; Researcher Mansour Saleh Obtains Master’s Degree in Media

The members of Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC); Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Gaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of Presidency of the STC, and Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA) attended, on Tuesday, at the Faculty of Arts, in the capital Aden, the final oral examination for the master’s thesis of the researcher and media member Mr. Mansour Saleh, deputy head of the Media and Information Department, in the General Secretariat of Presidency of the STC.
In the final state examination of the master’s thesis, which witnessed a prominent presence of eminent media members, politicians, officials in the government and in the capital Aden, and social and legal figures, the researcher Mansour Saleh presented his thesis entitled; “News Coverage of the Local Affairs in Al-Ayyam Newspaper,” an analytical study, from the Department of Press and Media in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Aden, in which he reviewed an analysis of the scientific details followed by Al-Ayyam newspaper regarding news coverage of the local affairs and its strategy in dealing with these local affairs during the reporting period.
To the end of the open examination of the thesis and announcing its acceptance with excellence by the examiners, the Deputy Secretary-General, the head of NSMA, and the attendees extended their warm and sincere congratulations to the researcher and media member Mr. Mansour Saleh, for getting the master’s degree, wishing him all success in his scientific and practical career, and national missions.