South Arabia

Inauguration of UAE-funded Solar Street Lighting Project in Lawdar City of Abyan Governorate

Under Supervision and Following-up of VP Al-Muharrami

SMA NEWS – Lawdar
Under the supervision of the Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), member of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Muharrami, and with funding from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the local authority in the Lawdar District of Abyan Governorate has inaugurated a UAE-funded solar street lighting project in the main and secondary streets on Wednesday morning.

The project includes the supply and installation of solar-powered lighting units, each with a capacity of 400 watts, to light the main and secondary streets and public places in the city of Lawdar to reduce traffic accidents and enhance safety in markets that previously suffered from complete darkness.

This project is part of a series of development initiatives scheduled to be implemented in the coming days in Abyan Governorate, with UAE funding and direct oversight from the vice president of the STC. These efforts aim to improve infrastructure, provide basic services, and bolster security in markets and public places.

In tun, the head of the local leadership executive body of the STC in Lawdar, the Director General, and social figures in the District expressed their deep gratitude to the government and people of the UAE for their unwavering support and standing by their brothers at this critical time. They also appreciate the efforts of Mr. Al-Muharrami and his constant keenness to alleviate the suffering of citizens.

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