South Arabia

Information Department and Training and Rehabilitation Sector inaugurate training workshop for Council leaderships in Al-Mahra and Socotra


The Media Information Department of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, in coordination with Training and Rehabilitation Sector of National Southern Media Authority, launched on Tuesday, in the capital, Aden, a training workshop on “journalistic editing skills and mobile journalism”, for the media people of the two leaderships of the Council in the governorates of Al-Mahra and Socotra, under the auspices of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council.

Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council, delivered a speech at the inauguration of the workshop in which he welcomed the participants, stressing the importance of this training course for Al-Mahra and Socotra and the need for a strong media and a truth-telling talk for them, and the systematic media war, intensified by media hostile to the southern issue, targeting these two governorates.

Al-Jaadi pointed out that this workshop is not the first and will not be the last, but will be followed by many courses to expand and develop the southern media base, wishing the participants in the session success and to come up with concepts and knowledge that will help them to advance media work in their governorates.

In turn, Mr. Saeed Saadan, member of the Presidency of the Council, delivered a speech in which he stressed the importance of upgrading the role of the southern media in the targeted governorates, focusing on the awareness-raising aspects and responding to rumors spread by the hostile media through their media kitchens, explaining that everything received in this session must be translated into reality.

Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Head of Radio and Television Sector, Vice-Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, expressed thanks to President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Transitional Council, for his great interest in the media sector, which resulted in this training workshop, which is held under the generous sponsorship of him, urging the participants through this course to get the most benefit of it, and to work to present an honorable image of the media side in the governorates of Al-Mahra and Socotra.

Dr. Bassem Mansour, head of the media information department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, member of the National Southern Media Authority, spoke at the opening of the training course in which he conveyed to the attendees the greetings of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Council, stressing that this workshop falls within the scope of the department’s activities The media, through which it seeks to improve the media work and improve its performance in the governorates and districts of the South, and to advance their media performance, stressing that the media department will do everything possible to make the media work in it a success.

For his part, Eng. Raafat Al-Thaqali, head of Transitional Council Executive in Socotra Archipelago, expressed his happiness for holding this training workshop, praising the remarkable attention received by the participants in it, and stressing the importance of this workshop, which will contribute to developing the capabilities of the participants and raising the level of information for local leaderships in the governorates of Al-Mahra and Socotra.

On the first day of the 3-day training workshop, in which 15 trainees from Al-Mahra and Socotra governorates participate in, Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector, and a member of the National Southern Media Authority, presented lectures on press news, its composition, structure and how to write it, in addition to an explanation about editing news reports, and the definition of the characteristics of the media reporter, and the means of countering rumors and hostile media discourse.

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