Initiative is launched to distribute aid to families of martyrs in Hadhramout

The Executive Body of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramout Governorate, on Thursday, launched the work of distributing food baskets to the families of martyrs in the various districts of the governorate.
The Head of the Transitional Council Executive Body in Hadramout, Mr. Saeed Ahmed Al-Mohammadi, expressed thanks to President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, for his generous directives to distribute food baskets to the families of martyrs.
Al-Mohammadi pointed out that the grant comes in recognition of the heroic exploits of the martyrs of the Southern Armed Forces, and to alleviate the suffering of their families, as a result of the difficult living conditions caused by the deterioration of the value of the local currency.
It is scheduled to distribute 761 food baskets, containing various types of food, to the families of the martyrs during the activities of the initiative, through the Relief Committee of the Southern Transitional Council.