South Arabia

Inspecting Military Points, Commander of Fourth Brigade of Shabwa Elites: We Will Never Allow Disturbing Security and Stability of Shabwa

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Ataq – Shabwa – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] [su_dropcap]C[/su_dropcap]olonel Wagdi Ba Oum Al-Khulaifi, commander of the fourth brigade of Shabwa Elites Troops, inspected several military barracks and heck points in Ataq – Shabwa. Al-Khuliafi inspected combat readiness of troops in these points. He urged troops to be alert for any threats and not to allow any disturbance in social security and stability of the city. He also urged them to assume their military responsibility. During the visit he met several citizens and asserted that Shabwa elites will never allow any threats for the security and stability of the governorate. He requested all citizens to support the troops in their mission.

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