Companies Protection Force organizes military parade at Hadramout coast on anniversary of liberation

The Oil Companies Protection Force of the second military region, in the coast of Hadramout, on Monday, held a military and parade on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of liberation from the forces of evil and terrorism.
The parade was attended by a number of officers and soldiers at Al-Masila Camp , in which Brigadier General Ahmed Omar Al-Maari, Force Commander, congratulated them on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Fitr and the seventh anniversary of the liberation of Hadramout coast from the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization.
In his speech, Al-Maari said that this memory is dear to all those who made it and participated in it, stressing that Hadramout was on a date with victory and defeating the remnants of terrorism and extremism after it had controlled it for a year.
Al-Maari referred to the decisive moments made by the leaders of the force, the priority and the specialized units, at the forefront of the ranks to perform their duty towards the land, appreciating the position of the Arab coalition countries, led by the United Arab Emirates, for its unlimited material and moral support to contribute to the liberation of the coast of Hadramout from the oppressive gangs.