South Arabia

Joint Military and Security Forces Arrest Africans by Rada Coast – Ahwar

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Ahwar – Abian – Hamdy Al-Amoudy[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] In an accurate qualitative joint operation, soldiers of brigade 111 infantry, Al-Majamea Al-Abtal Post and security belt forces arrested several Africans by Rada coast in Ahwar. The arrested persons were being trafficked by big fishing boats coming from Ethiopia. This illegal immigration that continues under a complete governmental silence, is the main source of criminal gangs and mercenaries in Yemen, especially in Abian with its open coasts. Till Wednesday January 3rd, 2018, 197 Africans less than 25 years old, including 45 women, were arrested in this area. Brigade 111 infantry and security belt forces continue their efforts to stop human trafficking of Africans into Ahwar, especially after a military post of the brigade was attacked by African smugglers. In a special release to SAMA News, lieutenant colonel Ali Said Mubarak Al-Amsy, operations commander of brigade 111 infantry, said: we will keep fighting African trafficking for establishing safety and security in the area. We coordinate our operations with Shabwany Elites’ forces.

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