South Arabia

Khalifa Ben Zaid Organization for Humanitarian Work, Under Supervision of Sheikh Khalfan Al-Mazrouee, Distributes 2000 Food Baskets in Kalansia

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Socotra – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Sheikh Hamad Al-Zaabi, representative of Khalifa Ben Zaid Organization for Humanitarian Work, and Essa Said, Secretary General of Kalanisa directorate, launched the distribution of 2000 food baskets in Kalanisa. Baskets include rice, sugar, flour, cooking oil, tomato paste, dates and glucose. In addition, the organization provided two motor bikes for handicapped and several bikes. The humanitarian convoy came in celebration of the Great Bairam Feast. Al-Zaabi expressed the greeting of UAE government to Socotra citizens and asserted that Sons of Zaid are extremely interested in Socotra through supporting all services projects that should benefit the whole society. He added that the organization is keen to provide Socotra with actual needs including humanitarian aids in addition to developing Socotra’s citizens and society.
Essa Said, secretary general of Kalanisia and Abd Al-Kuri, appreciated UAE efforts as the first supporter to Socotra. He indicated that those who deny such efforts are either blind or ungrateful as UAE provides Socotra with unlimited support for projects. He added that UAE does not need testimonies from any one as they follow the steps of the great founder of UAE, the late Sheikh Zaid Ben Sultan Al Nuhaian.
The launch was attended by colonel Mohamed Abdullah, former commander of Hadibua inclusive center, Mohamed Nurshed, former commander of Kaansia inclusive center, Al-Fakeed Ben Hamdoun Mohamed Al-Duksami, general director of governor’s office and other public figures and Sheiks of Kalansia.

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