South Arabia

Lahj Security Belt Arrests Suspect of Murder of 84th Brigade’s Chief of Staff

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Lahj – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Security belt troops of Lahj managed on Friday August 10th, 2018 to arrest suspect of the murder of Brigadier “Ali Saleh Al-Hamidi”, chief of staff of 84th brigade, and dumping his body in Al-Hubilin – Radfan – Lahj.
Security Belt Commandership of Operations in Lahj indicated that according to intel information and coordination with 1st brigade backup and support, the suspect (N. F. A. E.) was arrested in a hotel in Dar Saad – Aden.
Commandership of operations also indicated that according to direct orders of commander in chief of troops in Lahj, Galal Al-Rubaei, who was personally interested in the accident, all exits of Lahj inspected the identity of the suspect, uncovered by security forces in Radfan. The suspect was delivered to Lahj Security Department for interrogation to identify motives and events of the accident.

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