South Arabia

Lahj Security Department Arrests Four Terrorists Including a Foreigner

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Lahj – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] According to knowledgeable sources, Lahj security department arrested four terrorists including a foreign. Brigadier Saleh Al-Sayed, chief of Lahj Security Department indicated that anti-terrorism units launched a flash operation that led to arresting four terrorists without any causalities among anti-terrorism units. The operation came after months of investigations and follow-up of terrorists’ moves who were stationed in Al-Baida of Yemen, under control of Al-Houthi militias. He added that the operation was launched in Labous – Yafia, a rough mountain area north of Lahj near Al-Baida. Tribal and local sources indicated that anti-terrorism units with US backup launched the flash operation against terrorists of Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Al-Baida, south of Sanaa.

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