South Arabia

Lamlas directs to operate technical workshop for roads and instructs to prepare study to assess status of the institution


Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, directed for the operation of the technical workshop of the General Corporation for Land Transport in the capital.

This came in the meeting, which was held on Monday, with a number of officials in the transport, financial and commercial sectors, to discuss the report submitted regarding the status of the institution.

The meeting reviewed a number of problems facing the institution, most notably the seized assets, errors related to assets and contracts, violations and abuses, renewal of contracts, their legal formulas, and their implementation mechanism.

In this context, Governor Lamlas instructed the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Abu Bakr Baobaid, to prepare a detailed and integrated study to assess the status of the institution, as soon as possible, and to present practical proposals to reactivate its work.

During the meeting, Governor Lamlas stressed the need to join hands and cooperate with the Foundation’s management in order to move the Foundation’s wheel and operate it to return as it was and better, to fulfill the role entrusted to it in the most complete way.

During the meeting, the Governor indicated that he was in contact with the Minister of Transport, Dr. Abdul Salam Humaid, regarding the institution

He stressed that communication is continued on joint steps that are being worked on.

For his part, Baobaid affirmed the Chamber of Commerce’s commitment to preparing a comprehensive study that takes into account the evaluation aspects, which includes all the problems and difficulties that the institution suffers from, in addition to the other side, which is represented in the practical program, which includes solutions and treatments to be implemented for the success of the institution’s work.

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