Lamlas Discusses Developing Social Welfare Fund’s Work in Aden the capital

Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, discussed during his reception of the Director of the Social Welfare Fund in the capital, Majed Al-Shajri, on Sunday, ways to develop the fund’s work to serve the needy.
In the presence of Aboud Naji, Director General of Dar Saad District, Lamlas called for increasing the pace of work and networking to serve the needy groups, and focusing on supporting sustainable small projects, stressing the local authority’s support for the fund’s programs and plans.
The Governor of Aden the capital was briefed on the fund’s work program in Aden’s districts, including unconditional cash programs, and the importance of the World Bank resuming its support for the program in light of the increasing number of beneficiaries.
In the meeting, Al-Shajri reviewed the work and disbursement mechanisms in all districts of Aden in coordination with the community committees, noting that they are making great efforts to facilitate the fund’s mission in reaching the beneficiaries.