South Arabia

Lamlas discusses with humanitarian delegation of European Union Mission aspects of aid and its implementation


The Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, discussed on Wednesday, in the capital, with the humanitarian delegation of the European Union Mission the aspects and concerns related to aid, and mechanisms for its implementation and ensuring humanitarian access.

The EU delegation consisted of the Deputy Director General of the Humanitarian Aid Operations Department of the European Commission, Dr. Michael Koehler, Director of the Office of the Humanitarian Aid Operations Department in Yemen, Ms. Heather Black Will, and from Sweden, Deputy Director-General responsible for Humanitarian Affairs at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Karl Skau, and Ms. Spidar Hadi, responsible for the Yemeni file at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from Switzerland, Director of the Humanitarian Aid Office at the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Manuel Besler, and the Yemen Program Coordinator at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Ms. Simont Troller Al-Draisi.

The governor said that the aid comes in the form of relief, and Aden today needs development support, as the governorate has expanded and human suffering has increased in light of the weak government budget.

He added that humanitarian interventions are imposed on the community, while it is correct for the local authority and the community to intervene in raising needs and setting priorities.

He pointed out that humanitarian support is positive and would be more positive if we all cooperate and coordinate to direct it in the right way, noting that the security situation in Aden is constantly improving away from campaigns that seek to create chaos, and he stressed that there is a joint operations room and the security decision is unified, in addition to the formation of committees, as this is part of the ongoing work aimed at stabilizing and consolidating security in order to encourage and activate development and investment.

The meeting dealt with various aspects related to humanitarian aid, negatively and positively, and how to address the existing imbalances and poor coordination that lead to delaying and obstructing the implementation of projects.

Governor Lamlas and the humanitarian delegation reached, during the meeting and discussion, a vision and protocol aimed at organizing and correcting the work mechanism and ensuring that it reaches and achieves more beneficial and effective results, and is based primarily on a strategy and general policy set by the government, but in coordination and granting local authorities the right to identify and choose needs and priorities.

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