Lamlas inaugurates the works of community committees in Aden the capital

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital
The Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Southern Transitional Council, Governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, inaugurated on Tuesday, the launching of community committees works in the districts of Aden the capital, in an event held under the slogan “Enabling community participation in developing and maintaining public tranquility.”
The inauguration event was attended by members of the Presidency, Lawyer Niran Sooki, and Mr. Lotfi Shatara, Vice-Chairmen of the National Assembly, and Eng. Nizar Haitham, Head of Transitional Council Executive in the Capital Aden, in which Lamlas welcomed the attendees, stressing the importance of the role that the committees will play in participating with the local authority and security services in maintaining security and stability and providing services to citizens.
In his speech, Lamlas stressed that the community committees in the capital, Aden, and from this moment carry the official status in all their dealings with the security services and state institutions, thanking and appreciating the great efforts of those who contributed to the preparation and formation of committees in the districts and residential neighborhoods in the capital, Aden.
In turn, Brigadier General Ali Al-Nimri, head of the community committees in the capital, Aden, delivered a speech in which he clarified the tasks of the committees and the role they will play socially, security, culturally, and athletically, noting that the committees will be a link between the community and the local authority.
After that, Brigadier General Abu Bakr Jabr, Deputy Director General of Police in the Capital, Aden, spoke about the importance of forming the committees to assist the security services in maintaining security and stability in the capital areas and neighborhoods, stressing the Capital Police’s readiness to cooperate fully with the committees for the benefit of the citizens.