South Arabia

Lamlas meets with leaderships of sports clubs in Aden the capital and allocates monthly budget for it


The governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, affirmed the full support of the local authority for sports clubs within the framework of its support, interest and care for youth, athletes and their various activities.

This came during his meeting with the leaderships of sports clubs in the capital, Aden, in the presence of Major General Mutahar Ali Naji, Director General of the Police in Aden the capital, Captain Abu Bakr Al-Mas, Advisor to the Governor for Sports Affairs, and Arafat Mohammad Ali, Director General of the Youth and Sports Office in the capital.

In the meeting, governor Lamlas listened from the leaderships of sports clubs about the difficulties and problems facing the clubs and their affiliates.

The meeting discussed a number of opinions and ideas aimed at getting the sports clubs out of their current conditions and developing their performance, on the way to restoring leading role of the capital, Aden, in sports. In this regard, Governor Lamlas confirmed the readiness of the local authority to provide all aspects of support to sports clubs, and to all sports activities that they hold or participate in, based on its national and moral duty towards the capital, and its youth and athletes.

At the conclusion of his speech, Governor Lamles stressed the need to keep sports away from politics, its interactions and problems, and stressed the importance of continuing to hold such meetings in the future.

In turn, the Director General of the Youth and Sports Office, Arafat Mohammad Ali, reviewed the most prominent problems of the youth and sports sector in the capital, praising the governor’s invitation to listen to the leaderships of sports clubs and their the concerns, problems and requirements of their clubs face to face.

In the course of his speech, Arafat provided a full explanation about the facts of the problem between the clubs of the capital, Aden, and the General Football Association, and the negative consequences of the Association’s arbitrary decisions against the clubs of Aden.

For their part, the heads of the sports clubs expressed their thanks and appreciation for the governor’s invitation to them to attend this meeting, which gave them the opportunity to raise the clubs’ problems and needs, and to search for effective and sustainable solutions for them, and to activate their role in establishing and organizing various sports and cultural activities that immunize young people, and ensure that their energies are used for what benefits them and their community.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Governor Lamlas announced that the local authority would allocate a monthly operating budget to all the clubs in the capital, Aden, and search for funding sources to restore and rehabilitate the clubs’ sports facilities, and approve the establishment of new sports projects in the future.

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