South Arabia

Lamlas reviews projects of local authority in Mualla

The Minister of State, Governor of the Capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, got briefed on the projects implemented by the local authority in Mualla district.
This came during a field visit by the Minister of State, Governor of Aden the Capital, to Mualla District, accompanied by Mr. Abdul Rahim Jawi, Director General of Al Mualla District, which included the local council building for the local authority (under construction), October 14th High School for Girls, Raydan School and neighborhoods in Mualla District.
Al-Jawi presented a detailed explanation of the projects of the local authority in the areas of education, roads, sanitation, etc., which are currently being implemented, and the projects to be implemented during the coming period in many areas, including public outlets, youth and sports, from rehabilitating popular stadiums and training programs for the youth and girls of the District to enhance their role in society.

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