Lamlas: We are keen that embassies carry out their work entirely from the capital, Aden

Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, Governor of the capital, Aden, on Thursday, welcomed Ambassador Idris Ahmed, Ambassador of the Republic of Libya to our country.
He expressed the local authority’s keenness for the embassies to fully carry out their work from the capital, Aden, praising the presence of His Excellency Ambassador Idris, as it reflects the stability of the situation in Aden.
Lamlas called on the Libyan ambassador to convey his greetings to the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs in the Libyan National Unity Government, Eng. Adel Jumaa Amer, and invited him to visit the capital, Aden.
For his part, the Libyan ambassador praised the noticeable improvement witnessed by the capital, Aden, in various sectors, indicating that he sees change for the better from time to time.