Lawyer Niran Sooki meets with head of the Red Cross mission in Aden the capital

The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Vice-Chairman of the National Assembly, Lawyer Niran Sooki, met on Thursday, in her office at the Assembly’s headquarters, Ms. Beatrice Oshley, head of the International Committee of the Red Cross mission in the capital, Aden.
In the meeting, Ms. Oshley presented a brief explanation of the activity and role of the organization during the past three months, particularly in Shabwa governorate, and the results of the field visit carried out by the mission in Shabwa to assess the humanitarian need for the governorate and to meet civilians affected by the process of armed conflicts, especially mines.
Ms. Oshley referred to the organization’s work activity in Shabwa governorate, where it worked in a number of courses in the management of corpses after disasters, targeting the concerned authorities in the security aspect of the governorate.
For her part, Lawyer Niran affirmed the Southern Transitional Council’s confidence in the humanitarian work undertaken by the organization, praising the mission field visit to Shabwa governorate and its closely monitoring the situation there.
Sooki added: “We in the Southern Transitional Council are working to support all neutral international organizations working on the humanitarian side,” stressing that the work of the Transitional Council is a regular legal act and not a militia, as some promote in the media.
Sooki added, “We in the leadership of the Transitional Council strive to demand support by the leadership of the coalition for the file of combating terrorism in order to reduce crimes and interruptions committed against civilians and the missions of international organizations, noting that the Southern Transitional Council deals smoothly with all humanitarian organizations and is keen to consolidate relations in a manner that serves public interest of the homeland and the citizens, and is very keen to implement the provisions of the Riyadh Agreement represented in withdrawing the armed forces to the fighting frontlines, provided that the security forces are kept to secure the liberated areas.
The meeting was attended by Bahaa Al-Salami, Assistant Head of Mission, and Mr. Lifan, Deputy Coordinator of the Protection and Rights Division.