South Arabia

Leaders of the Southern Transitional Council of Hadhramaut Meet Al-Gaadi to Discuss the General Situation in Hadhramaut Valley and Future Escalations

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

On the sidelines of the extraordinary round of the national assembly, held in Aden on Thursday Augist 16th, 2018, Ali Al-Soail, vice head of Hadhramaut bloc, Hussain Al-Ameri, Tarek Al-Nahdi and Arfan Al-Hajari, members of the assembly for Hadhramaut, met Fadl Al-Gaadi, acting secretary general of the southern transitional council to discuss the general situation in Hadhramaut under control of Yemeni northern occupation troops where security loose and poor living conditions are widespread.
The meeting discussed means of public escalations against oppressive occupation policies that deny citizens their simplest rights of dignified, safe and stable life. The meeting demanded that Hadhramaut Elites troops to take control over the valley to secure it as it is the case in other southern governorates.
Al-Gaadi indicated that leadership of the council, under presidency of general Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, is very concerned with Hadhramaut valley and observe closely the suffering of its citizens and their rightful demands of liberating their lands and securing it with their own troops instead of occupation troops. Al-Gaadi also indicated that the council is supporting the uprising of the valley and the whole south and will never abandon the southern people everywhere in the south. He added that the council will always support public escalations to eliminate corruption, defeat the occupation and achieve the rightful demands of the southern people.

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