South Arabia

Limited clashes between Security Belt Forces and presidential guards’ troops in Adan

[su_label type=”info”]Aden – SMA[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]Aden – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer] Severe, but limited, clashed occurred between security belt troops and some presidential guards’’ troops at Saturday noon. A security resource indicted that these clashed occurred when some troops of the eastern sector of presidential guards refused to abandon their posts for security belt forces.
President Hady previously directed presidential guards’ troops to abandon their posts for security bely forces but a military unit under command of Tarek Ali Nasser Hady declared disobedience and refused to follow orders.
It is noteworthy that Tarek Ali Nasser Hady was previously suspended from duty with a marshal decree.

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