South Arabia

Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramaut Issues a Statement About Anti-Terrorism Operations Led by Hadhramaut Elites Forces

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Hadhramaut – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Local leadership of the southern transitional council in Hadhramaut issued a statement about anti-terrorism operations of Hadhramaut elites forces. The following is the statement:
In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Gracious
“And Those Who are told not to spoil in earth, but they say: We are reformers. They are spoilers, but they don’t know”. Great truth of God.
Local leadership of the southern transitional council in Hadhramaut declares its full support to the operations launched by Hadhramaut elites’ forces, with support of Arab Coalition forces, to clear Hadhramaut off terrorism as our governorate is known of its moderation, tolerance and resenting extremism.
Local leadership of the southern transitional council in Hadhramaut appreciates the sacrifices of the elites’ forces and other backup forces in this rightful war to eliminate this serious phenomenon that threatens security and stability of the whole south. We assert that we are supporting them firmly and we call our people all over Hadhramaut to support this military operation and report any terrorist movements.
We are also calling for president Hady to merge and unify the first and second military zones to enable Hadhramaut elites’ forces to control all Hadhramaut’s soil.
May God accepts our martyrs in heavens and delivers his victory to our heroes.
Local leadership of the southern transitional council in Hadhramaut

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