South Arabia

Major General Ben Brik Gets Briefed on Al-Musaimir Military Front Line

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Chairman of the National Assembly, briefed today, Sunday, in a meeting with Commander Husni Abdo Al-Hawshabi, Commander of the 10th Thunderbolt Brigade, Commander of Habeel Hanash Thamran Al-Musaimeer Front, on the progress of the military and combat operations on the fronts in general and the developments on Al-Musaimir Front, the hitting back to the repeated attacks by the Houthi militia, and the courage of our forces stationed at the front and the victories they achieved in defense of land and honor.

Major General Ahmed Saeed commended the fighting spirit of the southern forces on the various frontlines in defending the southern homeland on the path of restoring the state of the South.

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