South Arabia

Major General Ben Brik Lauds Role and Tasks of Facilities Protection Brigade and Urges Fast-Paced Work

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Chairman of the National Assembly, met today, Monday, with Brigadier General Ahmed Mahdi bin Afif, Commander of the Facilities Protection Brigade, in the capital, Aden.

In the meeting, Brigadier General Bin Afif referred to the role and tasks of this brigade in protecting government and private facilities and the efforts exerted in developing the work of the forces by holding training courses in the field of protecting facilities, including training women police on how to deal in an organized and elegant manner with employees in each facility. As well as training a riot control team in order to normalize life in the governorates of the South in a way that positively reflected on the work of the institutions.

During the meeting, which was attended by Dr. Hassan Yahya, Advisor to the Facilities Brigade Commander, Brigadier General Bin Afif mentioned that they have an integrated action plan on how to deal with any riot that may occur within any government facility.

Major General Bin Brik praised the role of the Facilities Protection Brigade, urging them to keep at the same pace and highlighting that they, in the leadership of the STC, are on the verge of a security and military restructuring process that will take place in the upcoming days, during which the right person will be placed in the right place in a way that contributes to the advancement of activities and performance of the STC.

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