Major General Ben Brik meets a number of youth alliance of political parties and components

The Chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council, Major General Ahmed Saeed Ben Brik, on Monday, met with a number of Youth Alliance of Political Parties and Components.
In his meeting with the youth of the alliance, Major General Ben Brik, presented the idea of establishing and forming a southern youth alliance that would include under its roof young men of both genders, from various parties and political components of all governorates of the South, with the aim of supporting the southern cause and supporting the Southern Transitional Council in all regional and international forums, as well as supporting the military operations carried out by our valiant southern forces in the past days, and which they will implement in the coming days.
During the meeting, Major General Ben Brik confirmed that the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council pays great attention to young people, as they are the pillars of the future and they are the strong source and foundation in society.
Major General Ben Brik praised the high patriotic spirit enjoyed by young people and their role in support of the southern cause, and this indicates the youth’s sense of the responsibility placed upon them, and their role in restoring the southern state, noting the need for young people to set clear goals for the future and to have a role in contributing to awareness and education in all aspects, especially some of the negative phenomena extraneous to society that have appeared in the past years.
The meeting was attended by Saleh Abdullah Belaid, a member of the Southern Youth Committee, and Maria Salem al-Dawla, from the Socialist Party in Abyan, Omaima Hussein Mohammed, from the Unionist Gathering Party, Amin Salem Mohammed, member of the Sons of the South League, Shafiq al-Amoudi, from the Transitional Council local leadership in Shabwa, and Ali Ahmed Ali, from the Socialist Party in Abyan, and from media Anis Belaid, Nasser Belaid Al-Amoudi and Mohammed Al-Amoudi.