South Arabia

Major General Ben Brik meets with “Al-Hadrami” the leader in the movement to discuss the Southern Dialogue

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]


The National Assembly Speaker, Major General Ahmed bin Brik, met with the leader of the Southern Movement, Mohammad Al-Hadrami, in which they discussed the necessity of continuing the southern dialogue and expanding its base on the southern components and parties.

The meeting stressed on the importance of rejecting the dispute between the people of the south to reach the desired future of the south, which meets the legitimate demands.

The meeting also discussed developments on the southern scene and its updates, and political events and the results of the Riyadh agreement and the obstacles that stand in the way of implementing its terms on the ground.

The meeting discussed ways to achieve southern unity and strengthen the Southern Home Front to face the coming challenges to the southern people on the way to gain independence and self-determination.

In turn, Mohammad Al-Hadrami congratulated Major General Bin Brik on the success of the third session of the National Assembly, and came out with those strong recommendations, including the decision to form the High Commission for Southern Dialogue, and the involvement of southern components with the Transitional Council in the structures of southern management.

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