Major General Ben Brik Receives UN Chief Security Advisor

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Chairman of the National Assembly, received on Sunday Mr. Senyo Kufe, Chief Security Advisor of the UN, responsible for the safety and security of UN personnel and programs, and Mr. Omar Al-Nasherti, Security Advisor at the United Nations.
In the meeting, which included Brigadier General Nasser Ahmed Huwaider, head of the defense committee in the National Assembly, Major General Ben Brik lauded the humanitarian role of the international organizations operating in the governorates of the South, in particular, and the liberated areas in general, highlighting that the leadership of the STC, represented by President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, works as an organized institution to facilitate the role of international and civil society organizations in moving throughout the governorates in a smooth and safe manner.
During the meeting, Major General Ben Brik referred to certain negatives that occur in the work of some parties from time to time, as the leadership of the STC is currently taking a number of corrective measures to fix the situation in the restructuring process of the institutions of the STC, including the security and military establishments, stressing the importance of security coordination between the STC and the UN office, in order to secure and protect the movements of UN teams working in the South.
For his part, Mr. Sinyo Kofi thanked Major General Ben Brik for the good reception and attention provided by the leadership of the STC to international organizations working especially in the governorates of the South and facilitating their movements to and from the governorates.
At the beginning of the meeting, Major General Ben Brik gave a brief explanation about the general security situation in the governorates of the South and the role of the STC in the development and construction processes.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ahmed Qassem, Office Head of the Chairman of the National Assembly, Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed Al-Hassani, and Basa’ad Saleh Mohammed, Assistant Undersecretary of Abyan governorate.