South Arabia

Major General Bin Brik meets Sheikh Abdullah Al-Awbthani – leader at bloc of Hadhramout Confederacy and Inclusive, and the investor Bajaifar


Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Acting President of the Southern Transitional Council, Chairman of the National Assembly, met on Thursday, in his office, Sheikh Abdullah Salem bin Lamash Al-Awbthani, member in the executive body at the bloc of Confederacy and Inclusive of Hadhramout and the South.

In the meeting, Sheikh Abdullah Salem affirmed to Major General Bin Brik, the support of the Southern Transitional Council’s steps in restoring the state’s full sovereignty, providing him with an explanation on the role of the Al-Amshan Al-Awathba tribe in supporting the Hadrami uprising and the great achievements it has reached, which are referred to as remarkable, as well as the permanent, supportive, and steadfast position of the tribe to the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramout, and the demands of the street in Hadhramout for the necessity of liberating the rest of it.

For his part, Major General Ahmed Saeed expressed his happiness with the achievements made by the people of Hadhramout through the Hadrami uprising that revealed to the world the extent of corruption and injustice that has befallen its sons in particular and the people of the South in general over the past decades by depriving them of their rights to provide and obtain the most basic necessities of life, as well as enjoying the wealth of their countries that were illegally and unlawfully seized and looted by official leaders affiliated with the state.

Major General Bin Brik praised the unity of the southern ranks that the people of Hadhramout embodied through their Hadrami uprising, which revealed the mask of many officials in the state, stressing that what the South is going through at the present time of fabricated crises are nothing but a black cloud that will disappear, and that the upcoming days will witness many positive variables that will put things back on track.

The Chairman of the National Assembly also met with the investor Ahmed Salloum Bagaifar, one of the investors in Barcelona tourist resort project in the capital, Aden, in which Major General Bin Brik got briefed on the tourism project, about 50% of which has been completed, and which is expected to contribute to reviving the tourism movement in the capital, Aden, and reinforces it, after the previous years witnessed a state of stagnation due to the unstable situation and the insecurity that the capital was experiencing during that period.

Major General Ahmed Saeed praised the project, stressing the council’s encouragement for investors to implement such tourism projects that will restore Aden’s splendor and enhance its position, and convey a positive image to the world confirming that the capital, Aden, enjoys security and safety, contrary to what the enemies promote.

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