South Arabia

Major General Bin Brik Meets with Hadrami Tribal and Social Figures

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Chairman of the National Assembly, met on Sunday, with a number of Hadrami tribal and social figures.

In the meeting, Major General Bin Brik gave a clear and brief picture to the attendees about the upcoming stage and the challenges of the current situation that the South is currently going through, which requires concerted efforts, unifying the southern ranks, and strengthening the popular support and coalescing around the STC, so that we can pass this sensitive circumstance and the serious turn, and the suffering of the people of the South as a result of the deterioration of living and service conditions on a daily basis that exhausted one and all, provided that we do not compromise our principles in exchange for corruption that is gnawing every corner in government institutions and sectors.

The attendees raised a range of issues related to the deteriorating living and administrative situation in all government sectors and institutions in Hadramout governorate, affirming their unity and cohesiveness with the wise leadership of the STC, represented by President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC.

The meeting was attended by Sheikh Mohsen Alawi Al-Shatri, Lieutenant Colonel Saeed Ali Al-Akbari, Omar Alawi Al-Shatri, Mohammed Abdullah Al-Bar, and Hamid al-Othmani.

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