South Arabia

Major General Bin Brik receives a Saudi military committee from the Arab coalition

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]


 Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Acting President of the Southern Transitional Council, Chairman of the National Assembly, along with Major General Fadl Hassan Al-Omari, Commander of the Fourth Military Region, received on Thursday at Aden International Airport, the Saudi Military Committee headed by Major General Mohammad Al-Rubaie, that is in charge of closely perusing the positioning of the forces on the ground, especially in Sheikh Salem and Shokra fronts, to raise a plan with practical measures to implement the military side of the Riyadh Agreement.

Major General Bin Brik welcomed the chairman and members of the committee, which includes a number of officers, stressing on the willingness and keenness of the Transitional Council to facilitate the committee’s tasks and make them succeeded in a way that ensures the full implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, in its political and military parts.

The reception was attended by Major General Fadl Baash, Commander of the Special Forces (Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Al-Dhali), Brigadier General Kamal Al-Hamshari, Director of the Office of the President of the Transitional Council, Brigadier General Saleh Al-Sayed, Director of Security for Lahj, Brigadier General Abu Bakr Jaber, Deputy Director of Aden Security, and Brigadier Mohsen Al-Wali, Commander-in-Chief of the Backup and Support Brigades, and Brigadier General Nabil Al-Mashouchi, commander of the Third Brigade Backup and Support, Lieutenant-Colonel Mohammad Salem Al-Bohar, Commander of the Second Shabwani Elite Brigade, and the Director of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Resistance Brigades, Lieutenant Qassem Al-Thaoubani.


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