Major General Bin Brik Receives UN Security Advisor

Major General Ahmed Saeed bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Chairman of the National Assembly, received today, Wednesday, Mr. Omar Al-Nasharti, Security Adviser at the United Nations office in the Capital, Aden.
In the meeting, Major General Bin Brik lauded the humanitarian aid and relief role of the UN organizations in the South, expressing his regret and offering his condolences over the tragic loss and the cowardly assassination that targeted the UN World Food Program official (Muayad Hamidi) in Al-Turbah area of Taiz governorate by armed terrorist elements. Furthermore, the Vice President reviewed the course of events and the latest developments in the southern landscape and the positive role assumed by the STC in various political, military, and security aspects of cleansing and securing the South from extremist terrorist groups through military operations organized by our valiant southern forces to eradicate these groups.
Major General Bin Brik touched on the political role of the STC both at the regional and international levels to normalize life in the South as required by the public interest of the people, without prejudice to the supreme principles and goals for which our people sacrificed over the past years to reach the aspired goal of restoring the state of the South and working to develop strong and cooperative relations between the South and the international community.
For his part, Mr. Al-Nasharti expressed his thanks to Major General Bin Brik for the good reception and hospitality and the mission that the STC assumes, appreciating the enormous challenges the country is going through and the great sacrifices, highlighting that the role of the UN organizations is humanitarian and has nothing to do with the political side or the conflicting parties.
At the end of the meeting, which was attended by Brigadier General Nasser Huwaider, head of the Defense Committee in the National Assembly, Major General Bin Brik asserted more security coordination between the STC and the United Nations Office to secure and protect the movements of UN teams working in the South.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ahmed Qassem, office head of the Chairman of the National Assembly, Colonel Najm Abdullah, the security officer for the organizations in the Assembly, and Mr. Fahim Saif, office head of the director of the General Directorate of Foreign Affairs (GDFA) of the STC.