Martyrs and wounded from the southern forces as a result of a terrorist attack in Modiya of Abyan

A military operational source announced that the southern security and military forces units continued their combing, follow-up and pursuit campaigns for the remnants of Al-Qaeda terrorist organization members in Abyan Governorate, specifically in the highlands and rugged mountain ranges east of the Modiya District.
The source explained that the security and combat missions carried out by the southern armed forces units within the framework of “Operation Arrows of the East” are qualitative and come in the context of procedures and measures, and based on a monitoring process of the movements of the remnants of terrorist elements in the extremely rugged mountainous terrain, and those who fled to Al-Bayda Governorate, which is under the control of The Houthi militias are being redirected to Abyan Governorate again through mountain passes.
The source pointed out that this evening, members of the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization ambushed a patrol belonging to our forces in the Surat Al-Mashayikh area, west of Wadi Omran, in the Modiya District, and resulted in the martyred of three heroes of our armed forces and the wounding of four others, stressing that during the clash, the heroes of our forces who were on board the patrol were able to From causing deaths and injuries to terrorist elements.