South Arabia
Massive March for Adan Oil and Refineries Company Workers Against the Corrupt Government and its Arms in the Refineries
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Syndicated of Adan Refineries and workers of Adan Oil and Refineries company arranged a massive march in Adan on Tuesday February 27th, 2018, to protest the corruption of Ben Daghar’s government that led to evident corruption in Adan Refineries. During the march, worker of Adan Refineries repeated “No More Corruption” and raised slogans of solidarity with commander Abu Yamama. Recently, Adan Refineries witnessed several issues including delay of payment and interference of external parties that led to the current poor conditions. Workers demanded reoperation of the refineries and payment of their salaries