Media members in executive bodies of Transitional Council in Hadhramout visit radio and television sector

Media Information department of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, on Saturday, organized an introductory visit, in the capital, Aden, for media members in the executive bodies of the local leaderships of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramout governorate, for the radio and television sector in the National Southern Media Authority, on the sidelines of the training course organized for them by the department, in cooperation with the training and rehabilitation sector in the National Authority.
On the visit, which was accompanied by Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector in the National Southern Media Authority, and Dr. Bassem Mansour, Head of the Media Information Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, member of the National Southern Media Authority, the visitors were received by Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Vice Chairman of the National Southern Media Authority, head of the radio and television sector in the authority, who welcomed them, wishing them a useful visit to the radio and television sector to learn about the nature of its work and the various sections it includes.
The members of Media in Hadhramout Transitional Council listened from Mr. Mohammed Al-Amoudi, deputy head of the Radio and Television Sector, to a detailed explanation of the nature of work in the sector, its various sections, the technical and creative work carried out by the Aden Independent Channel and Radio Huna Aden, and their programmatic map, in addition to its qualitative media equipment, as well as the efforts made to deliver the southern national media message through audio and video.
The members of media in the executive bodies of the Council in Hadhramout expressed their happiness with this visit, and their great admiration for the media work they witnessed in the radio and television sector in the National Southern Media Authority, and the professional and media commitment they noticed.