South Arabia

Member of security belt martyred in #Al-Mahfid of #Abyan due to explosive device planted by terrorist groups south of the district

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Abyan / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]


A member of the security belt forces was killed in Al-Mahfid, in Abyan governorate, after an explosive device planted by terrorist elements exploded in the village of Al-Jadba, south of the district.

Soldier Ali Mohammad Ali Salil Al-Kazmi, 18 years old, was martyred in the explosion of an explosive device planted by members of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, and it was detonated remotely the moment the martyr passed on a road leading to a soccer field near his home.

Terrorist groups resumed their activities strongly in Al-Mahfid after the forces of the legitimate government took control of the district.


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