South Arabia

military and security command

[su_label type=”info”]SMA NEWS / Aden / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Transitional Council, President of the Self-Administration of the South, chaired today, Wednesday, a joint meeting of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council and the supreme southern military and security command.

The meeting reviewed the latest developments on the southern national scene, politically and militarily, in which the Chairman of the National Assembly and President of the Self-Administration praised the efforts of the brothers in the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to accelerate the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement, stressing on the need for the Coalition to exert more pressure on the government of legitimacy to implement the agreement without delay or selectivity.

The meeting commended the intense political activity of the political leadership of the Transitional Council abroad, expressing its welcome for the international responses to the measures taken by the Transitional Council and the Self-Administration.

The meeting also reviewed the successes and achievements of the Self-Administration in improving services provided to citizens in various sectors, including health, hygiene and electrical power, according to the available capabilities.

The meeting touched on a number of issues on the southern arena, including the continuous violations of the ceasefire by the legitimacy government forces, praising the heroism and vigilance of our southern armed forces, which failed all attempts of invading militias to make any progress.

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