Military parade of Brigade Barshid in celebration of Independence Day

The combat units of Barshid Brigade in the 2nd Military region in Hadhramout, on Saturday, organized a military parade, on the celebrations of the people of the South for the occasion of independence day 54 anniversary.
Brigadier Saeed Ahmed Al-Mohammadi, head of the Executive Body of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramout, praised the military parade and the efficiency of the forces in performing the combat missions entrusted to them.
The command of Barshid Brigade, during its reception of the council’s local leadership delegation, confirmed the permanent readiness of its members to defend the western gate of Hadhramout, and to secure it from any attempts to penetrate.
At the end of the military parade, Al-Mohammadi and his accompanies from the council’s executive body inspected a number of military sites and checkpoints along Hajar district.