South Arabia

Minister of Social Affairs: Dealing with the issue of the South is the safe way out of the conflict

Dr. Mohammed Saeed Al-Zaouri, Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, discussed with the delegation of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the progress of government work and the obstacles facing its tasks.
The meeting of minister Al-Zaouri with the delegation, headed by Leslie Campbell, Senior Fellow at the Institute and Regional Director for the Middle East, and Kenza Irtaet, Senior Director of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, discussed the situation in the South, and dealt with the hoped-for role of the Democratic Institute in the current exceptional phase that the country is passing through.
Al-Zaouri called on the delegation to realize the nature of the stage in light of international and regional tensions and their effects on the course of events as a whole, pointing to the absence of a realistic political vision to end the war and pave the way for a lasting and comprehensive peace in the north and south.
The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor called for dealing with the roots of the Yemeni problem, foremost of which is the issue of the people of the South, as the safe way out to end the war and confront rebellion, terrorism and the aggression of the Iran-backed Houthi militia, stressing working with the living forces to secure regional and international interests in the most important maritime shipping lanes around the world.
For its part, the delegation of the National Institute expressed its appreciation for meeting the minister and his understanding of the issues raised, expressing the Institute’s interest in looking closely at issues related to the conditions of citizens in the southern and liberated governorates.

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