South Arabia

National Army and Southern Resistance Control Al-Shuriga

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Karsh – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] The national army and southern resistance troops achieved major victories on Karsh front – Lahj. Waddah Abd Al-Kareem Al-Wahiby, spokesman of Karsh front, indicated that the national army troops launched a violent attack on Al-Houthis posts in several places in Karsh, north of Lahj. He added that the second brigade under commandership of general Fadl Hasan fully controlled Gebel Al-Central and Al-Shuriga city in the middle of the front while to the left Al-Guriba, between Al-Shuriga and Al-Kubita, was cleared. Fifth brigade backup and support, under commandership of Mukhtar Al-Nouby, controlled Gebel Al-Ahmar, overseeing Al-Shuriga and Al-Raheda, after sending military reinforcements during the past few days. The spokesman indicated that these victories enabled the army and southern resistance to impose a closed ring linking some places of Eb and opening a road to Taiz. He asserted that the troops will reach Taiz in a few days. Clashes led to the capture of several militants in addition to confiscating a machine gun and two Kalashnikov guns.

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