South Arabia

National Southern Media Authority calls for holding first conference for southern journalists


The National Southern Media Authority, on Tuesday, called on southern journalists and media professionals to hold their first conference, in order to stand before the challenges facing the southern media and work to unify the media discourse in a way that serves the interest of the South against the hostile forces that threaten it and target its interests and aspirations.

This came in the meeting of the National Southern Media Authority that was held at the Authority’s headquarters in the capital, Aden, headed by Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafei, Vice Chairman of the Authority, Head of the Radio and Television Sector.

The meeting praised the southern media and the role played by southern journalists and media professionals in confronting the hostile media and in communicating the southern media message to all levels, and conveying the true image of the south that serves the reality and destiny of its people.

The meeting discussed the latest developments on the southern arena and developments related to the southern media’s handling of the events currently taking place in the South in its various regions in a way that supports and enhances the interest of the southern reality.

In its meeting, the Authority reviewed the most prominent military, political, and economic issues on the southern arena. It also discussed a number of topics on its agenda related to the activities of the various sectors of the commission during the current period, and took the necessary measures in this regard.

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