National Southern Media Authority launches its consultative meetings with southern journalists and media members in Aden the capital

The National Southern Media Authority, on Wednesday, launched its consultative meetings, at its headquarter in the capital, Aden, on the way to prepare for the first conference of southern journalists and media members, by holding a meeting with southern journalists and media members in the capital, Aden.
The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, head of the National Southern Media Authority, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, spoke at the beginning of the meeting, in which he welcomed all the attendees, pointing out to the importance of this meeting, which enhances southern media cohesion and brings together visions that are in the interest of the South, land and people.
In his speech, Al-Kathiri stressed the importance of the participation of all southern journalists and media members in such meetings to crystallize a work vision that contributes to the good preparation of the Conference of Southern Journalists and Media members, pointing out to the need to open up to all journalists to study the ideas for the good preparation of the conference.
Al-Kathiri stressed the importance of providing an appropriate media environment that helps journalists and media members all to show their creativity that contributes to convey reality in the correct professional manner, and to defend and assist them in the absence of a comprehensive media entity, noting that the current stage requires organizing and upgrading media work and its methods.
In his speech, Al-Kathiri called on all southern journalists and media members to support the preparatory committees that will begin their work in all governorates of the South and to express proposals and ideas to involve them in preparing plans that contribute to the development of southern media.
During the meeting, a number of interventions were presented and a set of important perceptions were discussed by the participants, stressing the importance of this step, which will enhance the role of the southern media by holding the important conference and making it a success.